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Shortly after reaching the milestone of one million downloads on December 12th, 2016, the single developer of Ravenfield announced that a paid version of the game is being prepared, and right now a Steam Greenlight page is already up.
I had the pleasure of talking to Simon Roth, a developer I've followed for quite some time now about his game 'Maia', about Linux and other bits. Linux sales for Simon are 'approaching ten thousand', which is impressive.
This open world MMORPG promises to have most of the traditional fun of the genre in more manageable chunks for those of us too busy to spend every waking moment playing it.
Avorion promises to give you a big open galaxy to explore fight, trade and construct spaceships in. They claim to remove a lot of micro-management which has me excited and it looks really slick.
I’ve been testing out ‘Mini Thief’, a 2D game about robbing people and hopefully not getting caught. The question is as always: is it worth your bucks?
The aim of the game in 'CropDuster Supreme' is to fart on people, now you may think this sounds terrible — but it's actually quite amusing! I know, I'm shocked too.
Block'hood is a neighbourhood-building sim that's currently in Early Access. I couldn't resist grabbing a copy when it released for Linux, so here's some early thoughts.
Switchcars is a game I've been putting off trying for quite some time to wait for it to get polished up some more, but now I've jumped in at the deep end of this arcade style roguelike.
Ballistic Overkill, the really fun and dirt cheap online FPS is now available in more countries! On top of that, they worked on some more optimization.
Project Zomboid has another release pushed to the stable branch of this in-development Zombie survival game. One of the major new features is the ability to trade with other players when playing online.